Our offices in the Forum are open and operating under the Red Covid-19 protection framework requirements.

During the Red alert level, our preference is to work remotely with clients either by phone, email or via Zoom meetings online. You are able to visit our offices if you need to see us but we would prefer you to call ahead and schedule an appointment for a meeting.

Due to the confined space in our offices and the length of time we spend with clients, we now require all visitors to our offices to be vaccinated and provide a current vaccine pass. While we respect your decision to vaccinate or not, the health and safety of our staff is a priority. When you arrive at our offices please wear a mask, scan the QR code, provide proof of your vaccination status and sanitise.

In addition, the following precautions will apply during the Red Alert Level:


  • We want to keep you and others safe. If you are personally associated with a potential Covid-19 risk or are unwell and have any of these symptoms -  fever, cough, shortness of breath, sneezing or a runny nose then please don’t enter our offices. Contact us and we will make alternative arrangements.

  • If we are unwell, or we are personally associated with a Covid-19 risk we will postpone our appointment or visit with you.


  • We will all need to refrain from physical contact such as handshaking or hongi, but we can smile and wave to show our appreciation.

  • We will all maintain a one-metre physical distance when you visit our premises, or office, or if we visit you at home.

  • The number of people in a meeting or interview room, or in your home should be limited according to the size of the room, so we can maintain the physical distancing requirement.


  • Please sanitise your hands when you enter our offices and wear a mask - if you do not have one available we will provide one for you.

  • We have instituted some hygiene practices in our business premises to limit the risk of contamination. For example, we won’t share equipment, such as pens and phones, and we will use a disposable disinfectant wipe after each visit on the furniture and door handles. We will adhere to the hygiene protocols you have implemented in your home.

  • If you have personal protection equipment such as hand sanitiser, gloves or masks you prefer to use we will abide by your protocols on the use of these items and others you deem necessary to keep you safe.


  • We will be completing contact tracing and require any visitors to our offices to either scan the QR code as a record of your visit or complete manual contact tracing details. Manual records will be treated as confidential and kept in a secure place and the information will be destroyed after two months.

  • We will also record the details of any visit to you for the purposes of contact tracing.


We also ask during this time that you remember all the local small businesses that you’ve asked for years to donate and sponsor your sports clubs, school events and organisations. They’re calling in a favour and really need your help at this time. Answer the call - shop local and support local business.

Thanks for your support and understanding during this time.

ngā mihi nui

Ross & Vicky