Insurance for Kids

Insurance for Kids

It is common for parents to add their children to their health insurance policies. If you already have health insurance, your children are most likely eligible to be covered under your plan until they reach age 21 depending on the insurer.

Protecting the most important business asset...

Protecting the most important business asset...

Your people. A growing business validates all the hard work and planning you put in place to get to that point. Customers are coming to you, you’re developing new offers that are resonating with your market, and you’re bringing on new staff. 

Earthquake update

Earthquake update

We are now back in our offices and operating after the recent earthquakes and our team are standing by to help our clients. Here's what you need to know:

Clients with earthquake damaged land or property or contents need to lodge a claim with EQC first on 0800 326 243 or online.

Are things you never use worth buying?

Are things you never use worth buying?

What if you bought a product which contained features that you never used – were they still worth something?

Most of us will never reach the top speed our cars are capable of. Most people never take their four-wheel drive vehicles off-road. Half of my friends don’t use half of the features of their smartphones. And on and on. Were those things worthless?

Changes to mortgage lending rules

Changes to mortgage lending rules

We’re about to come in to the traditional spring selling season, and a great time of year for property owners to evaluate their investment and their financial situation and think about their set up.

Kids and money...

Kids and money...

Think your kids have a good understanding of money? Maybe not!

A Westpac NZ Kids and Money Report shows around 53% of country kids have a good understanding of money (vs 41% of city kids) with 37% having a poor to average understanding of the value of money. 

Keeping in touch

Keeping in touch

During our recent client survey you told us that your preferred method of contact is using email and we have listened.

Your feedback and the reduction in postal services to 3-day a week deliveries means that when we need to contact you, our preferred method will now be via email. This allows us to deliver important information quickly and directly to you along with links to any other relevant details on our website. 

Got some identification with that?

Got some identification with that?

A piece of legislation called the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering of Financing Terrorism Act (phew!) places greater demands on banks, finance companies, insurers and financial advisers to increase customer due diligence and monitoring of suspicious transactions.

How to help your kids buy a house…

How to help your kids buy a house…

With the Reserve Bank changes potentially making it harder for first home buyers to get in to the property market, here’s some tips to help your children into their own home and avoid them living with you in your retirement.

Disclosure - what and why...

Disclosure - what and why...

Insurance companies ask a range of questions on policy application forms to obtain all of the information they might need. You must provide all the information you are asked for. But your duty to give information is not limited to the questions on the application form. Legally, you must tell your insurer about anything that could affect its decision to insure you or the terms and conditions you will be offered.

How are we doing?

How are we doing?

We're always keen to find out from our clients what we are doing well and what we need to improve on. 

We want to provide you with services that meet your needs and the ongoing support that you require to meet your changing circumstances over the years ahead. Our relationship with you is a partnership and if there's something we can do better, we'd love to hear from you.

Brexit: What's next?

Brexit: What's next?

Britain’s decision to exit the European Union (“Brexit”), followed swiftly by UK Prime Minister David Cameron’s resignation, creates considerable economic and political uncertainty. It will be some time before we know all the answers. The negative market reaction to the narrow victory (52% vs 48%) for the “Leave” camp has been exacerbated by markets going into the referendum expecting exactly the opposite outcome, a narrow “Remain” victory.

Be extra careful on the roads...

Be extra careful on the roads...

With a large increase in motorists during public holidays, we'd like to take this opportunity to encourage you to be extra careful on the roads.

Each year our insurers see an increase in claims for collisions over public holidays. In fact, over the last five years claims over the Easter holiday period have spiked by around 10% compared to the weekly average for the rest of the year. Last year was particularly bad with Easter collision claims about 19% higher than the weekly average.

Do we care more about our belongings than ourselves?

Do we care more about our belongings than ourselves?

Figures on how New Zealanders spend their insurance dollars show we value our belongings more than we do ourselves.

Research undertaken by EY reveals New Zealanders spent 5.5 times more on non-life insurance premiums in 2011, than we did on life insurance premiums. 

Kiwi's strange insurance claims revealed

Kiwi's strange insurance claims revealed

Contents insurance covers more than just TVs, mobile phones and jewellery -- as a new list of curious claims released by AA Insurance proves.

In the last few years, it's paid out for a damaged jade cabbage sculpture, a stolen horse massager and a foldable electric skateboard

How would your family cope financially if you got cancer?

How would your family cope financially if you got cancer?

You’ve probably made a smart decision to protect those dearest to you with Life Insurance. But could you afford to pay the bills and medical fees if you were debilitated by a life threatening illness or injury? That’s why you need Trauma Cover.

Skytower vs Clocktower....who wins?

Skytower vs Clocktower....who wins?

Auckland – the land of opportunities….or is it? What’s the real cost of living in Auckland when compared to a province like Marlborough? While statistics have some limitations, let’s use them to have a look at three key considerations for those looking for somewhere to settle

Is it a good idea to get financial advice online?

Is it a good idea to get financial advice online?

Is getting financial advice online a good idea?

Watch Paul Henry and Blair Vernon from AMP discussing online financial advice, what the risks are and how to make the best decision for your future.